How to get LP YAG-BNB token?

Step 1: Add YAG to your wallet by using this address: 0x2722c9db0Fc6818DC9DD3A01254Afc3804438b64

Step 2: Connect your wallet to PancakeSwap.

Step 3: Click "Select a currency" to select BNB and YAG. Search YAG by using this address: 0x2722c9db0Fc6818DC9DD3A01254Afc3804438b64 and click "Import"

Step 4: Set the amount that you want to add liquidity and enable your token to PancakeSwap. 📍Note: You need to add at least around $50 Worth by YAG + $50 Worth by BNB (This is just an estimate number; the real value will fluctuate over time.) to be eligible to participate in Farming NFT.

Step 5: Click "Supply" to add liquidity add take the LP Token.

Step 6: Add your LP Token to your wallet by using this address: 0x36a0c612F986a0b15E665F574d971bAD71998977

Last updated